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New Meetup: I won the happy hour at Dragonfly

From: Kristina S.
Sent on: Sunday, February 21, 2010, 11:46 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Happy Hour Group!

What: I won the happy hour at Dragonfly

When: Friday, March 12,[masked]:00 PM

Dragonfly Lounge
1865 West 25th St.,
Cleveland, OH 44113

Wow I think that the Dragonfly liked us a lot we are all winning the Happy hour. I am making this a joint meetup with a few other groups so please make sure that you only RSVP on one of the groups so that I can keep a count. So with all that being said you know the drill it's the same as the garage bar and for those who haven't been to a happy hour I can tell you this it is AWSOME. We will all get one drink ticket and they will have pizza there for us.

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