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Magento Meetup - Great News

From: Sara D.
Sent on: Monday, March 8, 2010, 10:31 AM
Good morning Chicago Magento Meetup Members:

Big thanks to Varien, the Magento company for sponsoring our kick-off meeting this Wednesday night. And great news - we will have three very special guests in attendance:

Koby Oz, Community Manager at Varien
Jill Swick, Channel Sales Manager at Varien
Shannon Vincent Brown, Sr. Project Manager at Varien

Poll: If you haven't done so already, please respond to the poll I posted; we'd like to get a better idea of your familiarity/expertise with Magento to determine the format of future meetings and presentation topics.

Sign Up: If you're interested in taking a leadership role in the group, please contact me directly. We'll circulate sign up sheets during the meetup if you're interested presenting, sponsoring, or hosting future meetings.

I'm looking forward to meeting you Wednesday. In the mean time, if you have questions or suggestions, I'm here and happy to help.

Heather Swanson
Lyons Consulting Group
[address removed]

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