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2014–2015 Book Selections

From: Jeffrey C. J.
Sent on: Sunday, June 15, 2014, 8:27 PM


I'm sorry it took me so long to get the polls ready.  I was befuddled how to fit more than 12 choices into one poll so in the end I decided not to.  Instead, I've created 3 polls you should treat as one.  In other words, if the first poll has three item with more than 6 votes, the second with 2 more than 6 and the third only one item more than 6, the next 6 months will be those 3+2+1=6 books.  The cutoff won't be 6 books though; it'll be the books getting the most votes such that I end up with between 6 and 12 books for the next cycle.

Please note there are a number of selections from the Bowie Bevy of Brainy Books and personally I suggest going across town, as I do, to attend that group rather than voting for them to be repeated or previewed here.  But you're free to vote for anything you like, so feel free to just select every one of the fine books from that group.  Apart from the only book I didn't include, every book AMK has suggest as been a winner!

Also, note we have a suggestion for a Topic-Based Meeting.  In a topic-based meeting, no book will be assigned and you can just choose to read whatever book(s) you find suits the topic and come to the free-form discussion.

Anyway, here are the polls and thanks for all the suggestions!

2014–2015 Book Selections Part I (New Releases)

2014–2015 Book Selections Part II (Last 5 Years)

2014–2015 Book Selections Part III (Over 5 Years Old)
