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Annual Contest - Deadline, Wednesday!

From: Nick S.
Sent on: Monday, May 21, 2012, 11:36 PM


Our Annual Contest deadline is fast approaching this Wednesday, May 23rd at midnight!

You are allowed three entries, have to have been shot from June 2011 - present, no categories and you simply have to be a CPI Supporter to participate.

To enter, upload your three entries to this gallery:

Last year, we gave away over $5k in prizes. Yes, $5k in prizes!!! This year, we are still working with our sponsors to bring you some great stuff. So far, we have:

-The top ten finalist will receive a mounted 24X36" print from Richmond Camera Pro Lab and a 1-year Smug Mug Power Account.

-1st place: Full Smug Mug site customization ($1k value), 1- year Smug Mug Pro Account, Lowe Pro Fast Pack, Think Tank shoulder bag, $300 Bay Photo gift Card, $50 Crutchfield gift card

-2nd place: 1- year Smug Mug Pro Account, Think Tank shoulder bag, Sun Sniper camera strap, $150 Bay Photo gift card

-3rd place: 1- year Smug Mug Pro Account, Think Tank shoulder bag, $50 Bay Photo gift card

Don't forget about our Reception Party where we'll announce the winners:

PLEASE, don't wait. Get those entries in now!

