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New Meetup: A FUN Sunday Supper POTLUCK/Raise the Rent & Birthday Party Event

From: Cru
Sent on: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 4:54 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Viva La Vegan PORTLAND - Metro!

What: A FUN Sunday Supper POTLUCK/Raise the Rent & Birthday Party Event

When: Domingo, 31 de Janeiro de[masked]:30

Kairos-Milwaukie UCC
4790 Logus Rd
Milwaukie, OR 97222

It's the Last Sunday of the Month again. Time to try another Sunday Supper Potluck/Lets Pay The Rent Party Combo!

Hey Regulars and Visitors Alike. We've had some Fabulous Feeds and Creative Chefs at Sunday Supper but our Giving Basket has gone a bit hungry for the funds to Pay Our Rent after the food expenses (Sunday Supper is quite a deal). So we're experimenting with a Last Sunday of the Month Potluck.

Bring a Raw Vegan Dish with plenty to share, plus a rent contribution of $5.00 for the basket. But don't stay away if you can't find a recipe to show off. Just bring the usual donation of 10 to 20 dollars to see what new culinary talent we have in the community!

5:30 - dinner and sharing around the tables
6:30 to 7:00 (optional) - circle time, including story-discussion, and raw communion.

[color= cyan]We are also trying to help facilitate some carpooling for those who are living car-free or just want to combine rides to save money and/or resources. If you need a ride or have an extra seat please respond in the RSVP or call. Thanks!


This is also a party for Dr. T, fresh in from Ecopoliton in Minneapolis, who will be speaking on Brain Health after dinner (please RSVP separately for that event) on his birthday!

Dr. T not only has several medical related degrees but apparently also one in Music and Conducting so bring your instruments for an impromptu jam after dinner.

The rumors are there will be cake... Mmmm!

For more information and to RSVP:

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