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A sweet thank you from author Sherri Coner.

From: Patrice
Sent on: Thursday, January 9, 2014, 7:47 PM

To All,

Many of you know that author and women's humorist Sherri Coner was diagnosed with beast cancer last fall. Sherri is close friends with Melissa from our group, and even did a talk for us last year.

Sherri is on the mend and unbelievably took time from her struggles to write a thank you note for the messages of support many of us sent at one of our Meetups. I wanted to share her note with you . . .

. . . "Heads down this is my toughest challenge yet - breast cancer had knocked me all the way to the ground - but I am up again - & kicking!!

Patrice, I don't know how to thank you & the other wonderful women for your kind and thoughtful words - Please share with them also how much I appreciate all of you! Peace and courage, Sherri"

If you haven't already, check out Sherri's FB page (you can leave new words of support) and her web site, and of course read her books!

I really enjoyed "Forever the Willows", which is a warm and touching story about the deep and rich value of lasting friendships as four childhood friends deal with the one of the "Willows" battle with terminal cancer in adulthood. (Still takes my breath away that Sherri wrote such a wonderful story and is now dealing with cancer personally.)

And, for current updates, check out Sherri's blog. She mixes her laughter and tears, power and pain in her honest and open posts about her road to recovery. And, don't doubt for a minute she will recover!

Sherri's note reminded me once again how important we are to one another and how much kind and supportive words can mean. Thank you for being part of Wishful Thinking Women, and I hope, if and when you face a challenge there is a friend close by.

To each of you - thank you!    You matter.    Friendship matters.   And, as always, gratitude matters.


PS Sherri recently finished another book "Hissy Fits Set You Free" about women a handful of women from all walks of life who gain trust in each other and find their voices.  I can't wait to check it out.