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Spiritual Growth Group Meeting

From: Rosine P.
Sent on: Friday, July 20, 2012, 12:32 PM

Dear All

As tomorrow we will be having the meeting called “Spiritual Growth Group Meeting” it would be nice to share with each other how each of us personally experienced and still experiences spiritual growth, how we came in contact with that topic or way of living actually - and to present two, three examples of how we integrate spirituality into our daily life, maybe some description of exercises or habits that other people can use for themselves and integrate into their routine.

Or we can describe/talk about a touching experience that we recently had or one that changed our life or that happened to us along our spiritual path.

After this part we will do a meditation and to round the afternoon up we can share our goodies; pls bring along some snack for a light dinner which could be anything from sandwiches, vegetable sticks to fruit or drinks or …

I am very much looking forward to start this meeting again, c u 2mro.

Love and Light and Peace of Heart and Mind.

Sat Nam, Parvati.
