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Recent Changes at the Scrum Alliance

From: Amanda
Sent on: Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 6:04 PM
Hey folks -

Just a quick forward to keep people posted on the latest and greatest
with the group that "owns" the certifications we hold ;-)

- Amanda

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cory Foy <[address removed]>
Date: Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 5:59 PM
Subject: Recent Changes at the Scrum Alliance

Hi Everyone,

Many of you have seen a flurry of activity within the Scrum Alliance
over the past couple of weeks. I wanted to let you all know what is
going on and also let you know that I am still a contact within the
Scrum Alliance and committed to working with the community.

First, Jim Cundiff has stepped down as the Managing Director, and Ken
Schwaber has stepped down as President of the board, and from the
board itself. Tom Mellor has been appointed the president in the
interim, and the Scrum Alliance is working to hire a new Managing
Director. (1)

Second, the CSM Exam which many of you heard had been postponed is now
scheduled for launch October 1st. The goal is that the initial
applicants will "automatically" pass the exam so we can use that for
feedback. Those not speaking English as a primary language will also
pass automatically. We will continue to review and refine the results,
eventually making the test required to obtain a CSM. (2)

There has also been a lot of activity around the CSD - Certified Scrum
Developer program. Ron Jeffries and Chet Hendrickson opened the Agile
Developer Skills list (3) to discuss the topic of agile

The good news is that we are working to regroup and refocus to ensure
greater transparency and openness moving forward. And we have a great
team who I believe can make really good things happen.

Thanks for your patience, and if you have any questions, please don't
hesitate to contact me.

1) https://www.scruma...­
2) https://www.scruma...­

Cory Foy
Scrum Alliance - Scrum Community Liaison

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