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new communication features

From: Sue B.
Sent on: Sunday, July 13, 2008, 10:13 AM
Hello everyone,

I wanted to tell you all about the new Message Board feature, which is a forum for discussion about anything you want. We'll try this as our main mode of member-to-member communication, as opposed to the group e-mails, which appears to be annoying some people. You will still always get regular automatic e-mail reminders about the dates and times of slow jam meetup.

So here's how communiation will work for now. if you want to e-mail the entire mailing list, it will have to be approved for group distribution. If it is appropriate for the entire goup, then it will sent out to the entire mailing list. I really hate to be the censor here, but some have a real problem with being the recipient of lots of unwanted e-mails. For free, uncensored communication about anything you want, the message board is your forum. Look at the left hand panel of this site and you'll find the link to our message board.

I would recommend that people check out the message board every once in a while. If you want to start a discussion and you really want people to contribute, e-mail me and if it's appropriate, I'll let the group know. But for the most part, members will need to be proactively checking the message board if they want to participate in group discussion.

Let's see if this works better for people.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation. Sue

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