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From: Susie L.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 6, 2014, 3:52 PM

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Elliott Grey <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Wednesday, August 6,[masked]:10 PM
Subject: LBP

Thx for sharing Susie! It always astonishes me how these idiot pols want to kill the goose that laid the golden egg every (2 yrs) time the film tax  incentives come up for renewal. This constant threat of cutbacks that the local film community has to endure every 2 yr's r shameful, unproductive, & wost of all...threaten the livelihood of so many locals who make their living from La film production. Furthemore, just the possibility of cutbacks causes film producers to shy away from our state till after the legistlative session makes it's final rulings. It really needs to stop... & 1 way to do so is to do what GA has done & make the tax incentives permanent-- in other words...NO SUNSET. This would result in a steady & UNinterrupted stream of film prod into our state all yr round! It would also see an influx of TV production as tv producers wouldnt hav to worry abt the incentives being cut back during the run of their shows. Currently GA has approx 15 tv shows produced & cast there--La has mayb 3?!!
Anyhow, just my 2 cents worth--let me know ur thoughts Susie when u hav time.
Kind Regards,
Elliott Grey (NOLA Resident)
Louisiana Budget Project at it against Film Industry Tax Credits again today in rebuttal to Producer Michael Johnson rebuttal in Advocate. --Jan Moller, The Daily Dime, Wednesday, August 6, 2014 Louisiana Budget Project

Louisiana Budget Project

Louisiana Budget Project Director Jan Moller issued the following statement in response to the Louisiana Legislative Auditor’s report on payday lenders:

My take on this to Jan Moller: The State gets $5.00 not fifteen cents. LBP's work and research is not complete.



Despite industry claims, movie subsidies are still a loser for state taxpayers In a letter to the editor in The Advocate, film producer Michael Johnson took issue with LBP's recent analysis that shows Louisiana taxpayers have subsidized the Duck Dynasty reality show to the tune of $6.2 million.

"What they don't acknowledge is how much money is generated by tourists coming to see the Duck Dynasty factory and purchasing merchandise that pays taxes into the state," Johnson complains. "Is there a way to track that? What about the great-paying jobs that pay taxes in the state?"

Unfortunately, the letter misses the point. There is no doubt that the subsidies generate some economic activity. The problem is that for every dollar that taxpayers give to film producers, the state only gets back around 15 cents, and LBP's 2012 analysis found that every movie job created costs taxpayers $60,000. Those are dollars that can't be invested to educate our children or repair Louisiana's crumbling infrastructure.

Johnson is right that Hollywood is not the only industry Louisiana woos with expensive incentives, which is why LBP has consistently called for more scrutiny of not only film subsidies, but oil and gas tax breaks, Enterprise Zone credits and more. The fact is that movie subsidies just happen to be one of the most expensive programs, costing taxpayers more than $1 billion over 10 years.


Daily Dime, August 6, 2014

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