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Re: [boomer-41] Our Baby Boomer Year in Review

From: Maryann H
Sent on: Tuesday, December 24, 2013, 3:29 PM
someone wrote:
when I look at your events, seems like there are always 3 or 4 people who attend...where are all the others???? I would like to meet people secondary to the event.
me too ! many of the events are carpools with just 4 people.  And some events are for music a lot of people are not interested in, others are too far into north jersey for a lot of people - but you do a GREAT job of finding a large list of events.  ** Maybe a  monthly dinner or happy hour at a popular place - would pull more people in at the same time - and once we all got to know each other better -take off from there.-  I really think that might do it ! -  Would you consider a "meet and greet" event each month in a place that could accomodate a larger group, that's also conducive to conversation ?   Maybe a once a  month event to meet other boomers but not in a concert format where you cant chat and get to know people.  Tavern on the Lake in Hightstown has a room off to the side where they cant set up long tables for another group I belong to.  Even if you dont personally like the place, or you yourself dont drink, the important thing is that it brings in the people !
Pete's Steakhouse in Hamilton has a side room too with long tables - but it gets noisy at times. Another really nice venue is Hopewell vinyards winery on Friday or Saturday nights when they have music.  Its not too loud there to talk, and you can get up to dance if you want to.  The music has a wide appeal for most people AND If you call ahead they can reserve a long table for a group.  You have to consider what kinds of
 music and what types of events appeal to Boomers, IMHO- " Just sayin' "  ..because in the past the types of music that was listed for Boomer events were catagories of music dont think most boomers enjoy or want to listen to. That's why there were only two people at the event ! We have to find things with a wider appeal where people can socialize during the time they spend together.  Weekend luncheons at a popular place ?   Meetups at a popular winery that lets you bring your own food - like Silver Decoy.  Hey, if you dont drink wine- no problem !  You can bring whatever beverage or food you want, as long as you are part of a group that enjoys wine.  The purpose it to get together socially . Okay,Im finished, LOL   Anyone else have some comments ?