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Re: [ronpaul-529] Call Senator Cruz regarding TPP and TTIP

From: ᴡᴡᴡ
Sent on: Monday, January 20, 2014, 4:09 PM

Laissez faire with foreign nations has been and always was a destructive policy, only followed by foolish nations. History is repute with examples including our own decent into the abyss today and historically.

On Jan 20,[masked]:05 PM, "Sean Lyons" <[address removed]> wrote:

All fascist republicans & democrats are in favor of them. Since when has Washington done anything to encourage home production? None in recent history. They talk a lot, while Americans get their jobs and futures are shipped overseas.

On Jan 20,[masked]:16 AM, "Kurt Hyde" <[address removed]> wrote:

It appears Senator Ted Cruz is currently in favor of TPP and TTIP. This is not like him. Today is a holiday, but I'm sure we can leave messages. The other option is to call Tuesday. It takes about 4 minutes to play the video probably no more than 5 minutes to call.

[masked] Sen Cruz Washington, DC office
[masked] Sen Cruz Dallas office

For background information read this TNA article and play the Bill Jasper video:
Nor yet, O Freedom! close thy lids in slumber for thine enemy never sleeps. -- The Antiquity of Freedom By William Cullen Bryant

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