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Re: [cribbage-21] NEW LOCATION!! Wednesday Night Cribbage Meetup

From: jim b.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 18, 2014, 5:11 AM
When I first moved to Austin the Tavern was one of the Bar's I frequented as I was told it was a "Packer Bar' and there were some Fan's that showed up there
Might want to consider Rudy's.  Lots of room, food and I believe they have Beer there.
Jim Banks
[address removed]
-----Original Message-----
From: emily <[address removed]>
To: cribbage-21 <[address removed]>
Sent: Mon, Feb 17,[masked]:20 pm
Subject: [cribbage-21] NEW LOCATION!! Wednesday Night Cribbage Meetup

The March meetup will be held at The Tavern.  922 W. 12th Street, 78703, as 3rd Base closed down.  This maybe a temporary location or permenent.  It's up to you. So please attend the March meetup so I can hear your feedback.  See you soon.
Emily aka The Peg Whisperer

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]