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RSVP setting fixed! Don't forget! Doxie Meet-up Sunday 8/2/09

From: Kristy
Sent on: Thursday, July 30, 2009, 11:04 AM
Sorry for any confusion! Apparently there was a mix up in the RSVP setting which prevented everyone for being able to comfirm of your planned attendance.
Thanks goodness! smile I thought we just had poor interest this month!

Well, it's all fixed so you should be able to RSVP.

Hope to see everyone there!

This is our August Meetup. It will be at Dogwood Park on Sunday Aug 2 from 10:30 to 12:30.

Our theme is Back to School, so dress your wiener in his or her or your school colors, football uniform, fall fashions. In addition to the usual recess and P.E., Doxies will also get to work on a school project. Don't worry -- there's no homework and no exams!

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