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Your thoughts on Django-district, etc.?

From: Andrew T. B.
Sent on: Thursday, October 30, 2014, 6:38 PM
Hi DC web Python peoples,

At our October meetup this past Tuesday, I mentioned I wanted some feedback on Django-district. We didn't meet for a few months this year, but now that we're gaining momentum again I want to know:

What do you want out of this group?

Traditionally, this group has organized talks on a monthly basis. Earlier this year, we rebranded to "Django-district, etc." because we wanted to broaden our scope to be Python on web - not just Django.

I'm trying to chart where this group should go, but I can't do it without your input. A few ideas I threw out on Tuesday:
  • What kinds of talk topics is this group most interested in?
  • What skill level do you want in talks? More intermediate / advanced topics? A mix?
  • Should we organize "hack nights" in addition to talk nights? People could come to learn/teach Python web stuff or work on their own projects
  • Some meetups in DC have a code of conduct - should we adopt one to make our group extra welcoming to new members?
  • Do we like meeting around 6:30pm on Tuesdays in the Dupont/Farragut area of DC?
Whether you just joined our group or are a Django-district veteran, please share your thoughts on this email thread!

I will compile everyone's input from this thread and use it to kick off a discussion at our November meetup. That's when we'll make some decisions.

Thanks in advance for helping us determine our future!


Our recent sponsor, TrackMaven, is kicking off a new Meetup group next month called "Monthly Challenge". Learn more here:
  • TrackMaven's Monthly Challenge is a chance to experiment with new technologies and explore creative projects. Each month, we will name a general topic, a new technology, or something in between. We'll collect a few resources and examples to get you started, then it's up to you; make something interesting! Each month, we'll meet up to share rapid-fire presentations, as raw or as polished as you'd like. 

    Our first topic is Elasticsearch, an incredibly powerful search and analytics engine. We've set up a post on how to get startedhere. A few possible ideas...

    • Provide real-time text search over a large corpus (ie, some subset of Project Gutenburg, a bunch of product reviews, etc.)

    • Beyond search, analysis of a large set of text: determine similar authors based on vocabulary, compare word usage over time using Google Books data, or see what stands out in the language of spammy emails

    • Task logging and visualization of results with Logstash and Kibana, the Elasticsearch "ELK" stack

    • Data analyses using aggregations on any sort of tabular data: financial records, movie reviews, census results...

    • Find unusual patterns in weather data or crime data by location

    • Make a better real-time Twitter search by combining Elasticsearch with NLP on Twitter's streaming API

    We're looking forward to seeing what you create!

Thanks again!


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