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Bonne Annee!

From: Rich W.
Sent on: Thursday, January 7, 2010, 12:32 AM
Baltimore French Language Meetup Group Members,

Bonne Annee!! Happy New Year!!

Please continue to send in your ideas for future meetups. Also, don?t forget to vote for your favorite ideas so we can estimate the popularity of the various suggestions. We GREATLY appreciate any thoughts and suggestions concerning the direction of the group. With over 500 members, we hope to serve all of you.

If you have not had the opportunity to participate in one of our meetings (unfortunately many of our members have not attended a single activity), please think about attending one during 2010. If you are shy about speaking a foreign language, please understand that everyone is friendly, considerate, and helpful. Sometimes it can take a few meetings to become comfortable in conversing.

We are a very relaxed and friendly group. In fact, there are only two simple rules for the group:

1) we are a French conversation group so please speak French during our meetings ? sometimes it is necessary to ask how a particular word is expressed in French but please make every effort to speak French (it will help improve your speaking ability);

2) Please be friendly, considerate, and respectful with all group members.

Merci pour votre cooperation. Nous esperons de vous voir bientot

Baltimore French Meetup Organizers

Max, Ollivier, and Rich

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