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Updates and Earl's comments!

From: Member ID: # 2.
Sent on: Friday, April 6, 2012, 8:39 AM

I am looking forward to this weekend.      YES, we are going to the cabin. The wind will die down enough for us if not, we'll still have fun. Full moon in the mountains.  Here's the text Earl sent me a few minutes ago   "Msg: Net down.  Help post.    (U can fancy it up ) good time if windy we'll burn lots of candles. Fire in fire box glass for wine (red solo cup) wine moon walk? Or walk in the moon light" thanks Earl.......Earl I didn't need to fancy it up-it is perfect.     I am looking forward to tonight and breakfast in the morning, followed by quiet time, hiking and it's supposed to be a beautiful day Sat

Birthday Happy Hour is at Dos Hombres/Clifton. That's where we'll meet to go to Earl's cabin too.

     Then Sat. night will be awesome at our full moon fire on the river as our pot luck.


Great weekend. Happy Easter to all. Join in. Remember if you can't make tonight, join us Sat. morning.




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