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From: Blake
Sent on: Sunday, December 14, 2008, 2:22 PM
Hi, Golfers:

TODAY'S MEETUP: We had a very fun meet-up today at the Partners in Golf's golf simulator. We "played" at Bay Ridge, a beautiful PGA course full of trees, seascapes, and (unfortunately, at times) sand traps. We also had a few new members with us today - -wecome, Michael and Karen.

There will be more future simulator meet-ups -- stay tuned.

GOLF LESSON MEET-UP -- I am shifting the date of this meet-up to Sunday, January 17th. I'm doing so because it's possible we will have a new location for the meet-up -- it may be at the health club of a member. She is currently checking.

NOTE!!!!!! In the meantime, I have uploaded to this site several files which review the eight steps of the golf swing. These files contain pictures and text. If you plan to attend the golf lesson meet-up, or if you just want to improve your game, please check them out. Two sources are also listed for improving your game -- "The Eight Step Swing," a book/video, and "Faults and Fixes," an excellent book available at most libraries.

See you in January and have very happy holidays!
