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Help Wanted: Assistant Oraganizer(s)!

From: Ben
Sent on: Monday, August 6, 2012, 2:55 PM

Hi Jersey Shore Pug Group.  I have been organizing this group for about 5 years now with great success. We have 280 members and have had many great meetups each month including the uber spectacular pug-o-ween event each year.  Unfortunately I am finding less and less time to give to the group and the majority of my time is now consumed by my two little kids.  When I took the reigns from Stephanie 5 years ago, the options were to become organizer or the club would end.  I don't want to see the club be over!  I am still willing and able to financially fund the group but I could really use some help from our members to get some more interaction in the message boards and be present at meetings when I am not able to.  Is anyone interested in being "promoted" to assistant organizer?  Here is a link to an AO's role:


I just really need someone who attends the meetings and enjoys helping run the website.  At this time I figure we can start with one AO but if a lot of people show interest maybe I will pick 2.  Let me know!




Ben and Cada.


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