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Re: [lawofattraction-262] Seth explains law of attraction - long

From: Kim M
Sent on: Tuesday, June 3, 2008, 4:59 PM
I don't have Phil's analytical mind but he said what I was thinking after I read it. It made perfect intuitive sense to me. Thanks Phil!!

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 3, 2008, at 2:21 PM, Lorna Levy <[address removed]> wrote:

Seth would be perfect for your analytical, engineering mind.

Lorna Sophia

Think About What You Think About
"Moving You From Stuck to Results"

----- Original Message ----
From: Philip De Franco <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Tuesday, June 3,[masked]:07:16 PM
Subject: Re: [lawofattraction-262] Seth explains law of attraction - long

In the words of my fictional hero Spock......fascinating! (with arched brow)
Now I know my next book to get into is The Nature of Personal Reality. Bought it a few months ago on Lorna's and Linda's recommendation but haven't cracked the cover yet. That will change tout suit!
I was also particularly taken by the comment that Laws of Attraction are too complex to be explained with precision (my paraphrasing). As much as I love Abraham and their work, I have often felt there was another layer underneath the very practical level at which they speak.  It may not be understandable or explainable to human beings but at least I know I'm not making LoA more complex by the way I think about seems Seth is saying there really IS more to it.

Lorna Levy <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi Group
I found this in my email and thought some of you might resonate with it. This is Seth is all his detailed glory - ha, ha.
notes: Framework 1 is our world of time-space; framework 2 is the quantum world - for lack of a better term. Jane is the channel for Seth and Rob, her husband, took the notes. Seth refers to them as Rubert and Joseph; Willy Two is the cat. The "James" being referred to is William James - they were in the process of writing a book about him at the time, and there are some references to Jane - Rubert's severe arthritis. I added the bold emphasis. I'd like to hear from the groups what they think of this.
Another classic session. It is long, but then as Seth says, "Laws of
attraction operate in far too complicated ways to explain with any
real preciseness."

Rob's notes, bless his heart, (and my best wishes to him on his new
adventure), add considerably to the session, especially his notes at
the end of the session.

A brief background, a woman had wanted to meet Jane, and through a
series of near impossible chance encounters and impulsive
conversations with strangers, Jane and Rob's home address was easily
See the Personal (Deleted) Sessions, Book Four, page 55 for
more details.

October 10, 1977, 9:58 PM - Deleted Session

Now: good evening.

("Good evening, Seth.")

This is not dictation. Let us look at the simple event involving your
two visitors. I want to use this as a case in point, showing how
desire brings about its own fulfillment when possible. Anything
possible is probable.

The young lady wanted to see the both of you vividly enough so that
that desire, with no effort on her part, was a reality in Framework 2.
Miss Dineen likes people, and would be quite lonely were it not for
the desire to meet with and enjoy other people. She particularly
enjoys unusual people, or foreigners, and chance encounters. Otherwise
she is a rather solitary person-but her desire for such encounters
exists with no effort on her part in Framework 2.

You have then two separate people living in different countries,
completely unknown to each other, of different ages and backgrounds.

In Framework 2 however, again, time and space are not barriers, and
there are no impediments in usual terms.

Laws of attraction operate in far too complicated ways to explain with
any real preciseness. Emotional computations and associations occur
there with incalculable rapidity.

Data is sorted out, arranged and rearranged, as if associations were
tabulated and re-tabulated under a million different headings. Using
such "a psychic computer," information was sorted and resorted,
probabilities examined, some discarded because the conditions were not

Miss Dineen this evening was looking for a small adventure. She met
two delightful strangers- near-foreigners. She will tell the story to

The meeting then originally was "planned" in Framework 2. In case your
young visitor- the woman (Carol) now-did not meet you, she had
insisted in her mind that she would meet someone who knew you or had
some personal connection somehow.

Remember-you two were involved, with your probabilities and free will.
Until Ruburt was at his desk this evening, he did not finally decide
whether or not he would greet the strangers you knew had earlier tried
to reach you.

He played with the idea of checking some notes, and then taking his
chapter (on James) to the living room table, and darkening his room.
In that case, the young woman would still have met someone who had a
connection with him. At the last moment, however, before you left,
Ruburt made up his mind and told you to unlock the porch door.

(When Carol opened the screen door, she let Willy Two out, but picked
him up easily.)

Miss Dineen remembers you kindly, also because of Miss Callahan, of
course. The organization in Framework 2 is entirely different than
your ordinary experience. Events are put together in a different fashion.

Neither Miss Dineen or the young woman planned the physical events
directly as they occurred. They did not think of detail, and details
were arranged more beautifully and precise-- than would be possible in
conscious physical terms. The details just seemed to fall into place.

(10:19.) This sort of thing happens frequently with Miss Dineen, and
consciously she is drawn toward areas of town, for example, in which
certain individuals are shopping or strolling, so that while she
visits few fashionable establishments, she enjoys a series of
seemingly unrelated, pleasant encounters with strangers.

She was drawn to shop when she did for that reason, and also because
of the personal connection-how strange that she should have anything
in common with these visitors from Canada. The whole affair happened
like any truly creative event. The methods that the girl used-the
young woman-in the various adventures she related to you, occurred in
the same way.

(In a long conversation that Jane and I found hard to follow at times,
Carol described how she'd put together elements from various
philosophies and belie/systems in order to get what she wanted. In
some fashion, Jane and I thought as we listened to her, she was able
to make it work for her. I kidded her, also, about "saying the heck
with the details," I remember.)

Ruburt's books, your paintings, follow the same overall format.
In all cases faith is involved, and the feeling that all in all the
means will come or be given.

The means are then arranged in Framework 2. Later, for the book, I
will use this sort of explanation to show for example how various
groups of people , planning say a vacation to one spot, will all
choose two or three airplanes for the journey-knowing unconsciously
quite well that one very well might crash, even though the final
decision is not made until the last moment.

I am trying to give you different kinds of examples, showing how work
is practically done in Framework 2 that then appears in Framework 1 as
physical events.

In terms of Ruburt's flexibility, I always take your present level of
practical comprehension into mind, for I know quite well that your
reactions to what I say will vary according to your own situations at
any given time. So far, you have been hesitant-Ruburt particularly,
but both of you-to release or express that desire for normal physical
flexibility on Ruburt's part.

And, also, you would have compared his present condition unfavorably
with the desired end, simply involving yourselves in contradictions. I
said that I did not want you to compare his condition to the ideal
one, and that certainly still stands.

If however you understand what I am saying about Frameworks 1 and 2,
then you can express and release that desire fully and without fear,
knowing that the meanings or the details-the way-will be found in
Framework 2 to bring about the desired results.

To do this properly, however, you must not check at every moment in
Framework 1.

If our young woman of this evening had done that, she would have
hopelessly complicated matters. She might have looked at a map and
said "Someone in one of those houses must have had a personal contact
with the Buttses, in case we do not meet them. I will try every third
house, or I will go to the police department-or to the newspaper."

All quite practical ideas. She did in fact go to a bookstore, but in
so doing she killed two birds with one stone, so to speak, for she
found your address in the phone book, but also just happened to run
into Miss Dineen-and that was something that only a thorough
canvassing of the town might produce.

The freely-expressed desire will bring its own results-and in
retrospect everything will fall into place.
Ruburt's body is
expressing as much of that desire as he, and secondly you, have felt
free enough to express. Release the desire into Framework 2, remember
the examples I have given you. Ruburt is making inroads, learning not
to project negatively.

That is highly important, and must be stressed.

Give us a moment....You must remind yourselves that these methods
work. Your creative work and all of the other elements of your lives
show this, including your financial security.

The fear that the methods will not work in any one regard inhibits the
-as if our young woman said "I am sure I will not meet the
Buttses, although I want to."

Then the connection would not have been nearly as strong in Framework 2.

I am trying to make conscious to you methods that you use beautifully
unconsciously and well in other areas of your living. Our young woman
selectively interpreted her experience with the interpretation of
names, for example, as given this evening-but that selectivity led her
exactly where she wanted to go, and in certain terms she actually did
ignore any data that did not lead her in a desired direction.

So, while it may seem impractical, you do the same thing when you
selectively pay attention to Ruburt's improvements and selectively
ignore areas of difficulty.

You build a new orientation, which then becomes the actual one. In
areas of conflict, you have to learn to do this consciously while in
areas of success you have done it unconsciously all along. Many of
Ruburt's joints, particularly in the neck, feet, and knees, are
loosening considerably. Their motion is all connected, of course. This
causes the muscles to change, and in particular their tension is altered.

When his weight is on his feet, when they are ready the joints and
feet try new positions-that at the time they might not be able to
maintain. It is impossible to be consciously aware of all such
motions. There has been new activity in the knees, in those joints
that would allow him to kick out in such a fashion (gesturing with leg).

This can cause some feelings of instability when he is walking-but the
body must also try out its positions when he is on his feet. If you
concentrate upon the improvements you will see that some sensations
that at first appear uncomfortable are not detrimental at all, but a
part of the body's recovery. He favored certain portions of the neck
and shoulders. The tension on the neck tendons is loosening, and this
definitely affects the eyes.

Placing your desire in Framework 2 will automatically, however,
minimize stages of change, and automatically take care of many details
in a much more pleasant fashion. Again, obviously, suggestion plays an
important part.

Give us a moment....Ruburt should tell you, as you told him, when he
finds himself in a particularly blue mood, or projecting negatively,
but he does catch such situations better than he did. That release of
desire is all important, however.

What I have given you this evening can be of the utmost help. And
trust your own Nebene material. Now I will end the session, or take a
break as you prefer.

("We'll take the break." (10:59-11:27)

Now. Give us a moment.... You must remember that there are no
impediments in Framework 2, and therefore that all seeming impediments
in Framework 1 will be dissolved.

You must not wonder how, or dwell upon details.

It is the overall pattern of behavior we are after here. I am not
telling you to be blind in daily experience, but I am telling you how
daily experience is formed.

In its own way, the James connection happened in the same fashion, for
your desires and beliefs go out in all directions in time. Your
context outlive your deaths. The particular connections here are too
complicated to try to explain, but they do involve James's intense
interest during his life in the future of his own work, and in the
state of the psychic field of the future.

I am sometimes at a loss for words, believe it or not, for often
explanations make things sound more difficult than they are. All of
this happens quite naturally.

To some extent or another after death you retain psychic connections
with anyone you have ever met during a lifetime. The connections can
be strong or weak, some important some trivial, but they form a
psychic network, so to speak.

That network can be put together in different ways, and used now, in
an analogy, as a communications system. All in all, it will mean that
generally speaking you will keep in contact with areas of thought or
development in which you were once interested, and will be able if you
wish to follow their development in time.

The living people, so involved in this network, will have their own
other encounters, of course, but again through a psychological
selectivity. You can be aware after death of those encounters also.
There are implications I am not expressing adequately, and it may be
impossible to do so.

In a manner of speaking, the gentleman's (Hal) visit, while Ruburt is
doing the James book, completes an intent on James's part that he had
in life. The event, again, in a way is even separate from Ruburt's
present connection with James, but followed as a result of James's
living curiosity regarding highly gifted mediums that might exist
after his death.

Had he been living, he would have sought Ruburt out, you see, and they
would have gotten along famously. You and James would also have been
excellent friends. The three of you missed each other in time. In
other frameworks, however, you are friends, hence Ruburt's book, and
your first attraction to James's writings.

That James however is, of course, as he s

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