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Looking for PHP + MongoDB Developer

From: Marc G.
Sent on: Monday, October 29, 2012, 11:28 PM
Hey MN PHP'ers,

Looking to hire someone on a 3 month, fulltime contract (or at least
30 hours per week) in PHP + MongoDB. Not looking for you to be a pro
in MongoDB, but you should have an understanding of document-oriented

You'd be working directly with a top-notch designer, me (creator of
the jQuery UI Datepicker), and the creator of the Lithium PHP
Framework / former CakePHP lead on an e-learning, video distribution,
marketing and sales system (all one project). It's a pretty big app
that needs someones' full attention to get us to the next stage. We
have about 30 open tickets / features (using github private repo) and
a second product rolling out in January.

About the Company:

We are an early stage, bootstrapped startup. What we lack in
resources, we have in talent and proven past success working on
multi-million dollar projects. We have paying customers (unlike most
startups) and also a newly formed partnership with one of the largest
open source projects that agreed to get our product in front of
millions of people with an upcoming launch of theirs -- so we need to
be ultra prepared for that in the next few months.

I really feel like we have the opportunity to make a huge splash, if
not change e-learning, but it's going to take the focused effort from
people who believe in the vision and will come together and get this
to the next stage. If you want to work with top-notched talent on a
product with huge market potential, please join us.

Oh and I'm in Burnsville, which would be cool to work together in
person sometimes but the gig can be almost completely remote if you

Look forward to hearing from you!

Marc Grabanski
MJG International

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