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RE: Removal of Anime Meetup members inactive for a year +

From: Jay S.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 1, 2010, 5:48 PM
If you are receiving this message, AND you have received a notice of removal for inactivity, then you had a duplicate account sharing the same e-mail. All is well and there is nothing to be concerned about UNLESS you were wanting to keep the other profile for some reason, in which case it is irretrievably gone after not being used after at least two notices have been sent to it.

I will be continuing the removal of inactive members, so if your profile has been inactive for 9+ months and you want to keep it, you might want to log in so it doesn't get removed.

I should probably also add while I'm at it that just because somebody has their profile removed DOES NOT mean they are banned from the website or the realspace meetings.