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Thanks Joy for hosting...other info....and we're moving!

From: DeAnna E.
Sent on: Thursday, July 3, 2008, 5:28 PM
Sounds like a good group showed up last night...lots of new people!

As most of you know, I have REALLY enjoyed not working since we moved to Perrysburg in 2006. Well, all that came to an end when the project manager at the Fluor/Marathon job in Detroit called and asked me to be his executive assistant. I had previously said that I didn't want to work at Fluor since Max works there, but since I will be "top dog" for the "top dog" on the project, I figured I would give it a go.

This means we are moving to the Detroit area (Dearborn) mid-September!

This also means I need someone to take over the group. Tim and Brooke have suggested Joy--an excellent choice! I think we can guilt her into it wink

For now I will leave our August bbq on the calendar and it will be a goodbye party (so you ALL better show up!). It's the week before we go to Hawaii so if things get too hectic we may have to cancel.

As for the canoeing/kayaking, Max and I will not be able to go. With everything happening so fast, we have a lot of stuff to take care of. I haven't booked the reservation with River Lures yet because we need 10 people to get that rate. If someone wants to take over hosting, let me know by Tuesday, July 8th. Also, we need 10 people signed up as "yes" by that date or you may not get that rate.

Have a great weekend!

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