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New Meetup: Comic Improv Workshop

From: Michael
Sent on: Friday, October 15, 2010, 12:57 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Orlando Improv Meetup Group!

What: Comic Improv Workshop

When: Tuesday, October 19,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Stardust Coffee & Video
1842 E. Winter Park Rd.
Orlando, FL 32803

It's time to do some improv. Work on those skills. Stretch those improv muscles. Don't want to pull anything (if you know what I mean).

All levels welcome. If you've never done improv before or you've been performing for years you will find it fun and challenging. Tell your friends.

Or you could just come on out and watch and see what we are about. We don't bite. Well most of us don't anyway.

See you there.

Please only RSVP if you're sure so we have an accurate count.

Side note: We don't pay for the stage and we don't charge for the class. So if you happen to come hungry or thirsty and buy something there, I'm sure the place would appreciate it. (not required at all)(just nice)

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