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New Meetup: PPA Tour 2010: YOUR art. YOUR business. YOUR life.

From: DaleE
Sent on: Sunday, April 4, 2010, 1:00 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Photographers and Digital Artists of Los Angeles!

What: PPA Tour 2010: YOUR art. YOUR business. YOUR life.

When: Monday, April 12,[masked]:30 PM

Marriott Hotel Irvine
18000 Von Karman Ave
Irvine, CA 92612

This spring, The Professional Photographers of America is traveling to 10 cities with an exciting evening of education. Jeff and Allison Rodgers will share their experiences and insights into building a successful photography business. Joining them in each city will be a guest speaker sharing their images and inspiration on the art of photography. For as little as $29, it's an evening of learning you can't afford to miss!

Ready to find the success story in you? Jeff & Allison Rodgers will be sharing their own story?along with some tips and advice they?ve discovered along the way. Think of the following program outline as your outline for building (or refurbishing) your own successful photography business:

YOUR art - Discover Your Creative Vision
finding your style
learning your craft
creating your niche
knowing your strengths & weaknesses

YOUR art - Discover Your Creative Vision
finding your style
learning your craft
creating your niche
knowing your strengths & weaknesses

YOUR life - Schedule Your Life (Creating Balance)
placing boundaries on your personal & work schedule
planning a workflow system
defining your workload

(Life of a Job - From Inquiry to Booking)
finding your client?s style
planning your session
shooting for spaces

(Life of a Job - After the Shoot)
designing to sell for spaces
presenting to clients
closing the sale
dealing with custom requests
preparing your client to display your images
creating the "thank you"
Top 10 Selling Strategies

The guest speaker for the evening will be Tony Corbell, Cr.Photog., API, on
"Realizing your Creative Vision"
Becoming a great photographer begins with establishing an understanding of what is possible. Then you need to identify and develop your own photographic style...and put it all together through the techniques of composition, posing, lighting and editing. Tony will help you define (or refresh) your vision by sharing inspiring images and techniques for getting creative with your photography.

Doors open at 5:30 pm for networking & demos.
All Programs run 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm, local time.

You can get all the details on this event and register for it at
The cost of the event is $49 at the door or $29 if you register in advance.

Learn more here: