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Seeking a RE Personal Assistant Position

From: Keila F.
Sent on: Friday, November 28, 2014, 10:24 PM
Hello REITC Members,

My name is Keila Flagg and I am seeking a RE Personal Assistant Position.

I am eager to learn more in this position because it is a match to my professional background, skills and career goals. As noted in my resume, I am very enthusiastic, extremely organized and self motivated, which means I take direction well but also take initiative to stay one step ahead with responsibilities.
I offer you strong computer software experience, customer service skills, office and personal management abilities along with superior communication. In addition, I have taken my RE agent 210-Hours (TREC required education) with Kaplan to obtain my license. My expertise includes:

* Scheduling meetings
* Taking minutes of meetings
* Handling incoming and outgoing phone calls
* Maintaining documents and information
* Preparing correspondences
* Making travel arrangements
* Communication with 3rd parties

In addition, I am able to handle sensitive and confidential matters with discretion.  I am certain that I will be able to offer immediate contribution to your brand if given the opportunity.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.  Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at your convenience.  I look forward to hearing from you soon to schedule an interview.


Keila Flagg
[address removed]

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