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Need Part Time Web Designer

From: Harry D.
Sent on: Sunday, November 7, 2010, 1:32 PM
Hi SC New Tech Members,

I publish Dividend Detective (www.dividenddetecti­, a
financial site with both free and Premium sections targeted
to dividend stock investors.

I am looking for a marketing savvy techie who can help me on
an as-needed basis for projects such as:

1) make the site contents smart phone and iPad friendly.

2) create RSS feeds for distribution to ??

3) modify user and manager interfaces to our billing
services and interface provider,

4) conceive and implement other ideas to create awareness of
the site (Not SEO).

5) conceive and implement ideas to improve the site

I thinking a few hours a month on an as-needed basis.

Harry Domash
[address removed]
ph. [masked]

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