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Re: Re: [somerville-tennis] Tennis tonight?

From: Bill
Sent on: Thursday, November 13, 2014, 10:58 AM
Hi - 
I called Lexington  to ask about this, and unfortunately, the one month  pass does not get you access to the tennis courts.
However, membership looks pretty reasonable month to month:

ridiculous gouging initiation fee:  79
more ridiculous processing fee:  49
then 75 month to month, with a one's month's notice required to drop.
court time is $11 per half hour, $22 per hour and $33 per hour and a  half. 

John Russell, how is the availability for the courts in general?  

the other place I've heard about is Woburn, where apparently it's $95 to join and 
then court time is about $30 an hour.

Any other recs for winter tennis?  or reviews of Woburn?  affordable, and good people to hit with?

