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yule update Part 2!

From: duchess
Sent on: Thursday, December 13, 2007, 6:53 PM
Blessings everyone! We have some wonderful news! We will be having a DJ to play music for us! (Thanks Alyssa!) I am soooo excited about this! We now have 51 people RSVP'd for the event, but only 26 people have actually paid. Please do this ASAP. The second floor is totally rented, please reserve your room now, so this way you won't be shut out. We are totally set for deserts,...salad or sides are cool..drinks??? We have baked ziti..heros, a ham..pot far. You can always call me at the store and I can take payment over the phone with a credit card if that helps anyone who can't make it out to see me before hand.
The Newburgh & Cornwall Witches Meetup Group