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FYI: New Campground Opening At Oak Openings Preserve

From: Ken M.
Sent on: Thursday, August 15, 2013, 7:24 AM

Starting Labor Day weekend, you can set up camp at the area's largest Metropark.

Metroparks of the Toledo Area has converted the White Oak picnic area at Oak Openings Preserve in Swanton into a primitive campground.

The White Oak Campground has eight individual and two group campsites for tent camping. Only tent camping is be permitted. Services include fire rings, firewood, a group picnic shelter, new restrooms, treated well water, gray water disposal and access to the preserve’s 15-mile hiking trail.

Campsites will rent for $20 per night for an individual site and $30 per night for a group site. For information or to make reservations, call[masked]. Starting in September, online reservations will be accepted at

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