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Summer Solstice Cruise

From: Steve D.
Sent on: Thursday, June 5, 2014, 10:21 PM

Hola Sports Fans!

I thought I would make one last effort to generate interest for our Summer Cruise. Summer, boats, water...they all go do fun peeps, plenty of food and drink! That said, I am making a last ditch effort to generate interest. Let me give you the deets up front:

I am going to change this to a "3 hour cruise", We will already have the Skipper and Gilligan; Bob Masterson is the Professor. That means all Mariannes and Gingers are cordially invited and will be met on board with a Ginger Drink...except Maryanne's, they will get Mai Tai's or T-Sunrise or a drink of their choice.  I am dropping the price to $29. For those who have paid $34 I will issue a refund for the difference.

So to further entice the crowd...a bottle of wine will be given to the best/funniest/weird summer attire. The crowd will judge. We will have Karaoke, and for those who want to participate, a bottle of wine to the best singer. If you have a singer you have to have a dancer...bottle of wine to the best dancer...the group will vote in all categories.

My last words of wisdom on this event. Given the new price, and that all bring their selection of drink/spirits and potluck...chances are that you will get more to drink and more food to eat and a boat ride to boot, with this deal then sitting on the deck at Shenanigans and watching boats float by.

I will change Meetup site so that we will be on the water at the time of the Summer Solstice.

This Meetup is in ~ two weeks, if by the end of next week we aren't any where near the numbers to secure us the cruise boat. I will go ahead and cancel the event and issue refunds for those who have paid.



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