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Re: [modeling-193] Models - Want some exposure?

From: David F.
Sent on: Thursday, April 22, 2010, 2:41 PM
This on May 1st? What time?


On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Eric <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi Everyone!
We already have over 75 members of our photographer meetup and over 45 from this model's meetup RSVP'd for the May 1st skyline shootout. Should we be nervous? I don't think so...
This group started with 8 photographers meeting to have beers and I guess it's grown a bit.
First of all thanks for being a part and helping it grow.
Second, please understand that this is run on a volunteer basis usually for free (As in for May 1st) so we need everyone to help out and be patient with us.
We are going to meet on oak hill just inside Piedmont Park from 10th street. We'll shoot the skyline as the sun sets and also shoot any models that come out to play with us.
Everyone should be networking, trading business cards, and shooting, giving tips to others and just having fun.
If you can be responsible about it, please feel free to bring a cooler of refreshments if you like.
It should be a lot of fun and I bet at dusk, people in midtown are going to think Madonna or other celebrity is in the park with all the flashes going off! (We stopped traffic last year!)
Anyhow, we look forward to seeing you and any friends you want to bring along.
Chai Tai,
Eric and team

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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

David Firestine
FIRESTINE PHOTOGRAPY -- (my work) -- (print buying)

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