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Ancient Awakening Group Channeling

From: James and Joanna M.
Sent on: Monday, March 5, 2012, 7:16 PM

Hello all light workers,

Here is the channeling by Sananda this past Thursday group meeting. Time is growing short and many  things are about to begin as we have been told by many sources Spiritual, Galactic and terrestrial. Just look at all  the information on the internet about the coming times having to do with our Ascension and the happenings that will be occurring prior to. Many things are about to change and our world will never be the same as we are moving into a new glorious Golden Age - the age of Aquarius.

If you  feel now is the time to prepare and you  have not yet attended one of our groups, then I am inviting you to come and see for yourself and begin to know your part to play in this unfolding drama. If you have attended before, then I invite you back to continue the process you were already guided toward. If you are a regular, then you will likely be one of our core group and going on our upcoming Advance/Retreat to Sedona.



Organizer/Facilitator Ancient Awakenings 


Is This Your Moment? - Sananda


Many of you may be having a sense of wondering what is coming next and when is this going to come. When are you going to finally reach that pinnacle of knowing what is ahead and what this is all about?  For each one of you may be wondering, what is your purpose in the coming events and when will this be a fulfilling prophecy within each of you.  It is time now for you to know that those changes which have been spoken of are already underway.  Many things are occurring in the background, many things that are beyond your sight and knowing at this point, but you have a glimpse, you have a sense of wonderment, of knowing within you that all of those things that have been spoken of and prophesized, are now coming to be and each of those things now are beginning to fall one by one. 


You are beginning to see the beginnings of the fall of those who have been in many ways completely in control of your world.  That is beginning to collapse now, those things are beginning to fall away and as they fall, then you will move to the next part and the next and the next. And with each movement to the next level, you will be experiencing more and more of all that is coming.  And as these things progress and your media begins to take a hold of these, then those who are on the outside of these knowings, will begin to wonder what is occurring, what is going on, and then you will step into action, each of you the light workers.  Not that you have not been in action up till this time, we’re not saying that, but the particular mission for many of you is about to begin.  Many that came here have been waiting for this moment, this moment that is fast approaching, seemingly only moments away, as many clandestine proceedings are already occurring.  Many things are already in the process and you will begin to see these as it has been said, the dominoes will begin to fall and as they fall, there you will be to pick those people up who are falling as a result of this collapse that is occurring.  As things collapse and as people reach out, you will be there to give them a helping hand and share with them. 


When all of this has been completed and all has moved to more of a sense of calmness, then you will be prepared to move onto ships and work with other things that have been spoken of.  You’ll begin to move and know what is your next step, those things which are ahead for you which you have been preparing for a long time.   Each of you need to be aware that you are experiencing exactly what you came here to experience and know that which you came here to know. 


Peace and love be with each of you.  I am Sananda.


Payson, AZ

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