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New Meetup: Round Table Discussion: Shifting Gears in Business

From: Peter
Sent on: Tuesday, November 2, 2010, 11:38 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Tampa Web Technology Meetup Group!

What: Round Table Discussion: Shifting Gears in Business

When: Tuesday, November 16,[masked]:45 PM

Where: Pelagia Trattoria
4200 Jim Walter Blvd
Tampa, FL 33607

Round Table Discussion about:
- Shifting gears in your business to suit the current marketplace.

How to hone your business focus to optimize what the market needs.

We will have a table discussion about Business Focus and the Marketplace.
Think about ways that your specific marketplace has changed.
Change creates Opportunities. But how do you see them and capitalize on them?

This will be limited to 12 people.
If you RSVP yes, please do not be a NO-SHOW. (You will be taking someone's spot).

If you have questions, email me at [address removed]

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