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Grants for Blockchain Research

From: Gerard D.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 22, 2016, 11:08 AM

Blockchain and Bitcoin SMEs;

Note:  This message is going out to the Bitcoin DC and the Government Blockchain Professionals Meetup groups so I'm sorry if some of you are getting it twice.

It was so nice to meeting many of you last night.  Vikas did an excellent job of presenting on his topic.  You can view his slides at and his materials will be posted on the meetup page later this morning.  I was so pleased to see the large numbers and level of engagement.  This group is fortunate to have as many of you who have contributed you time, expertise and have been so mutually supportive.

I apologize for the sound quality for those listening on the conference bridge.  We will work to improve that in the future. 

Looking forward to our next meeting, I would like to ask you to consider participating in a panel on December 9th where we will be discussing Grants for Blockchain Research.

I would like the panel to address the following topics:

1.  What Blockchain related grants have been awarded in the past

2.  Who won them and why

3.  What opportunities are there for the future and

4.  How can members of our group pool our resources together and establish teams to win future opportunities.

If you are interested in participating on the panel, please email me at [address removed] with your qualifications.  Please type "Grant Panel" in the subject line.  Once we have the panelists locked down, I will update our post at:

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing you next month!

Gerard Dache

Common Sense Solutions



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