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Re: [BogotaJS] Oferta Laboral - Colombian Coders Wanted

From: John A.
Sent on: Friday, March 30, 2012, 10:01 AM
Ricardo, una de las cosas que hemos hablado es utilizar la lista para que puedan enviar este tipo de ofertas más no realizarlas durante una charla si eres ponente de una. Durante el último meetup en la fundación, Daniel y yo le aconsejamos a un asistente realizar su oferta durante el networking o en la lista de correo. Personalmente, no le veo ningún problema a que alguien pueda encontrar empleo mediante la lista.


De: Ricardo Lanziano Meneses <[address removed]>
Para: [address removed]
Enviado: Viernes, 30 de marzo,[masked]:58:28
Asunto: Re: [BogotaJS] Oferta Laboral - Colombian Coders Wanted

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 5:51 PM, Juan Pablo Buritica <[address removed]> wrote:
> A brand new New York based startup is looking for 3 Software Engineers to
> form a team in Colombia and build the first iteration of its education
> platform. If you want be part of a world class team, can't find enough time
> in the day to code, research, learn new technologies and enjoy the
> challenges of building a next generation platform from the ground up, this
> role will be perfect for you. Are you a student? You may be considered for a
> part time position if you are really good. - You will be responsible for
> architecting and building features in their entirety. - You will write code
> in JavaScript, Ruby and Objective-C. (You only need to be highly proficient
> in one, generalists who can pick up things quickly are welcome.)
> Apply Below:
> --
> Juan Pablo Buritica
> t: @buritica

Por favor, esta no es una lista de bolsa de empleo (no es la primera vez que
pasa) y si tienes algo que decir que sea en español, gracias.

Ricardo Lanziano
To iterate is human, to recurse, divine.

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