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Members poll for upcoming activities

From: Bill F.
Sent on: Monday, August 18, 2014, 11:30 AM

Sooo, my 'test drive', with free beer didn't attract to many folks. With that in mind, I put together a member poll to see what folks want to do. This was done once previously, back in 2011. Back then, only 2 of the list replied or responded. We can do better.

I know folks are busy, and there is a huge 'hangover' from Meetup burnout in many of the groups I monitor. We can beat the odds. We have 550 members, we've had 160 Meetup gatherings. We have members who own breweries. There are a a whole bunch of other beer Meetup's. What? Stay true to your Meetup.

Along the header to the Meetup web page is a tab for 'More'. Under that tab you will see 'Poll'. Select the Poll and respond. With 550 members, we could expect 20% to 25% response. If we get to 25%, or more, I will host a free event, you'll have to make the time and show up, but this will be a free event, and I may even do a drawing for 2015 Great American Beer Fest tickets. Response will determine what, where, prizes, etc. Respond to the poll & we'll go from there. Cheers!

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