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Directions to Saturday Gaming

From: Patrick H.
Sent on: Friday, March 19, 2010, 9:46 PM

We live at
1719 Woodmarker Ct
Brandon, FL 33510

It is off of Lakewood, north of the 60.

From the 60, just past the railroad tracks, turn left into the Woodberry community.
From MLK, Just past Woodberry Dr, turn right into the Woodberry community.
The Entrance is across the street from the Limona Cemetary.

Our gate code is 086, which will dial our home so we can buzz you in, and our home # is [masked] if you have any questions.

Once in the gate turn left, and go to the end of the block, turn right onto Woodmarker Ct, and we will be the 3rd house on the left. Please feel free to park in the driveway, or out in front of the house, just try and make sure that people can get past you as the street is very narrow.

