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April Sponsor - Simply Trudy (updated with website link)

From: Jessica
Sent on: Wednesday, April 13, 2016, 3:23 PM

Announcing our April sponsor - Simply Trudy!

Simply Trudy 100% Grain-Free & Gluten-Free Breads are kosher, paleo-friendly and low-allergen.

Our low-allergen artisan breads are foods to thrive on.

  • Made from the highest quality ingredients
  • No refined oils, flours, starches or gums
  • No dairy, nuts, soy, yeast, or corn
  • No GMOs
  • Contain a nutrient-rich seed blend that we grind ourselves
  • Our eggs are locally sourced, organic and certified humane
  • No chemical leavening agents
  • Hand mixed in small batches
  • Gluten testing conducted on every batch

About Us

We are an honest, family-run business with a straightforward vision.  We believe a well-nourished and active body can do wonders to prevent or reverse most of the health issues adults and children face in today's world. We are committed to offering you great tasting food products made of clean, recognizable ingredients that satisfy your body, mind and soul.

We are proud and passionate about what we do, consistency and integrity always our mantra, and our distributors, retail stores and customers quickly become our friends.

Why We Do It

With my background as a registered dietitian and no medical explanation from healthcare professionals, I had always suspected food was connected to my daughter Trudy’s chronic migraines and gastrointestinal issues. However, convincing a teen to comply with harsh dietary restrictions proved futile until it naturally happened during a vacation to the Hawaiian Islands.   On a clean diet of simply prepared fish, fresh vegetables and tropical fruits her symptoms began to disappear. This reacquaintance with feeling “truly well” on clean, simple foods was the motivation we all needed in helping Trudy reclaim her health. Back home, I diligently worked to keep the vibrant, healthy feeling from becoming a memory. The foods I created to nourish my child’s body are made with pure love and pure ingredients. The idea of bringing our creations to market was born from sharing our foods and story with those suffering a similar fate and those just looking for delicious, clean, trustworthy foods that are free of all bad things.

NYC Meetup Members receive 20% off your order with code "NYCCD20" - now through May 15th!


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