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Christmas Party on Saturday at Fresco's

From: Lynne, Baby and B.
Sent on: Thursday, November 29, 2012, 3:22 PM

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to let you know that I just confirmed our time for our party with Fresco's.  They are soooooo very excited to have us.  We have decided to do a special menu with items 12.00 and under for our group.  This will not be discounted further as they are giving us special pricing as it is and have created the menu just for our group.  This will help speed up service and help their wait staff in handling so many orders at one time.  We totally agreed as we want it to be fun for them too!  If you so decide that you want to order off of the regular menu, then you can.   We can certainly be a handful!!!

Please be sure and get there as close to the start time as possible of 2pm as we will get right into the festivities planned and you don't want to miss any of it!  Other activities are planned in St. Pete so parking will take some time.

Thank you and see you there!
