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FW: ATTENTION - local missing Chihuahua

From: Lynne, Baby and B.
Sent on: Thursday, June 13, 2013, 9:17 PM


Okay Members, we need your attention please.   This little long haired, female Chihuahua has been missing for 9 days!!   Someone that I know posted her sign on his facebook page and I saw it.  So I called her and got more info so that we can help her out.  Let’s pull together and get Chica back home safely.  If you can share on your face books, if you live in that area please ask around, you just never know!  We just celebrated Marilyn finding St. Armani being found, so it can happen again. 


Us Chihuahua and small dog owners must stick together!    **Please do not respond back to this email address on this email, it goes to everyone.**  You can reach me at [address removed] to respond or get with Bethanie or Johanna as their info is below to contact them.   Please read her email to me for more info. 


I can’t wait to hear that she has been found!


Thank you,

Lynne Tonte


From: Bethanie Shirk [mailto:[address removed]]
Sent: Thursday, June 13,[masked]:57 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: missing Chihuahua


Thank you so much for your call, it is so kind of you to help.  Here is a flyer I made up and another picture of my girl Chica.  She is 12 years old and a long-haired chihuahua, but I have her clipped short for the summer.  She wasn't wearing a collar (as she rarely leaves my side), but ran off when I wasn't home.  She went missing 6/3/13 in the Tampa/Seminole Heights area (MLK and FL ave).  She is a very skittish dog, she will typically try to bite a stranger that tries to pet her or will run off if approached by a stranger.  If anyone should see her, if they are unable to tempt her with food (her only weakness), they should call me immediately at (813)[masked] or my best friend Johanna (who has a rapport with Chica) at (813)[masked].  My name is Bethanie Shirk and should anyone want to add me to their FB page, I also have posted ads there that can be shared.  


Again, thank you so much for your help and your phone call.  I am truly touched that a stranger would reach out and help. 


Bless you,

Bethanie Shirk


PS, let me know if you need any more information or have any suggestions beyond signs, craigslist, the local papers, and the shelters (county and otherwise).  

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