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Urgent: App progress

From: Randall A.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 5, 2012, 10:44 AM

Just another reminder: I'm turning in my monthly progress report to Nokia today, including where we are with new apps.  So far I haven't heard from anyone so it *looks* like there's been no progress!  :O  Surely someone in this group has published an app or two since last month-- right?

Remember, in addition to cool DVLUP incentives, I'm offering my own rewards, so there's no reason to keep your work a complete secret!  ;)

On a related note, I also need everyone's DVLUP user names.  There's currently no way for me to get the information from DVLUP directly.  I want to make sure you get credited for your work!

The success of DVLUP, and my ability to keep offering phones, backpacks and other prizes to local developers, depends on growing the Windows Phone ecosystem.  A big part of that is apps!

So please get back to me ASAP with your current development status.  If you're not comfortable sharing that info publicly, by all means send me a private message.

Thanks all, and happy coding!


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