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Re: [ruby-81] rail 3.1 and JQuery - best carousel code?

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, October 31, 2011, 10:19 AM
Hey Liz,

I've used the jQuery Cycle plugin ( It has a simple API, reliable, and it takes literally minutes to setup and configure. They also have example code on the homepage for you to quickly get up to speed. Additionally, if you need more complex features, they have advanced examples for you too :)

John Chow

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Noah <[address removed]> wrote:
For starters, you probably want to use jQuery and Rails 3.1 pretty independently -- having Rails generate your javascript is something you'll eventually chafe at because it imposes some limits.

Basically, you'll eventually need to know jQuery and Rails independently, so you may want to start there.

From: Liz <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Monday, October 31, [masked]:37 AM

Subject: [ruby-81] rail 3.1 and JQuery - best carousel code?

Hi, I'm a ROR novice in the East Bay, and I'm working on a facebook app in Rails 3.1.  I haven't done a lot with javascript, but this app needs it for a carousel.   I need to put several carousels on a page.  I'm looking at Agile Carousel, but am not having tons of success getting it working.  This is problably due to me beeing a total noob with javascript and JQuery.  So, two questions: 
1) Do you hvae pointers for some tutorials for coming up to speed quickly with jQuery on Rails 3.1?  I've watched Ryan Bates' railscast on the toipic several times, but I think I need to see a more complex example.  
2) Does anyone have recommendations on good publicly available carousel jquery code?  Anyone used Agile Carousel?

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