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Yoga in Newburgh

From: Johnnie Lou G.
Sent on: Friday, April 2, 2010, 9:47 PM
For any one that has pre-paid for Yoga in Fishkill.
You can take your pre-paid classes at the Newburgh Body and Soul Studio:

Body and Soul of the Hudson Valley.

12 Front Street, First Floor
Newburgh, NY 12550


There is a great schedule of classes in addition to the ones I teach.

I teach at Noon (Wed., Thurs. and Saturday) and then at 10:30 a.m., Fridays.

I will begin some evening classes soon.

Please call me if you would like to take your pre-paid classes in Newburgh.

If you have some time, go to the website and see if any classes fit your schedule.

Johnnie Lou Getz
[address removed]