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Goblins, and Witches and Wieners, Oh my! Hallowiener Party TOMORROW! (Sat 10/12)

From: Cheri C.
Sent on: Friday, October 11, 2013, 9:43 AM

Dixie wants to remind you that the Dachshunds Anonymous Happy Hallowiener Party is TOMORROW!

Although the weather looks a little questionable today, it is supposed to be a beautiful, sunny fall day tomorrow with a high of 68 degrees.

Here's the scoop!

  • Sat, Oct 10
  • 11 am- 1 pm
  • Lilli and Dixie's Back Yard
  • 17024 Sahler St (housing division behind Walmart at 168th and Maple)
  • Munchies (Feel free to bring something to share!)
  • Wieners in Costumes (Costume contest with prizes!)
  • Fun times for all!

We're awfully excited around here about the party at Lilli and Dixie's house tomorrow!  There's tulle, silver lame`and fake fur everywhere!  (OK, I'm awfully excited around here....)


*Dress you and the pups for the weather as we will be outside the whole time.  It may be a little cool in the am.

*Be sure to bring a chair or blanket to sit on.

*Feel free to bring your favorite snack to share with everyone!

*Park in the street (but please be considerate of the neighbors and their homes as they already won't know what hit them when a herd of wieners stampedes through the neighborhood!)

*Then enter the gate to the back yard next to the garage. We will have an extra safety fence/gate up to help keep those wieners from sneaking out as people enter and leave, but be sure to keep an eye on your little one, esp if they are an escape artist!

*As you enter and leave the gate, please be VERY careful not to let any dog slip by. We don't want anyone going for a run on Sat!

*Bring your wieners and their Hallowiener Costumes! There will be prizes for the best costumes!

*Kids are welcome to dress up! I remember wanting to wear my costume as often as possible as a kid!  Adults can dress up too, if you want.  I don't really wear costumes myself....just make my dogs wear them! ;)

*Bring the whole family, your friends, their kids, your for everyone when you have wieners in costumes!

Lilli says the last one there is a rotten pumpkin!!!

Hope to see you tomorrow!!!

~Cheri, Dusty, Daisy (as long as she isn't hiding), Georgie, and Trent

Message from Trent:

I don't know what this thing "Hallowiener" is.  Daisy says that I should be afraid...very afraid...  She says there's no hope left for her, but I still have a chance.  So if someone would just adopt me before Hallowiener comes tomorrow, I will be saved from whatever evil plans Foster Mama has for me....  So please, please help a poor foster dog out here....OH!  She's coming!  She has something sparkly....  Help me!!!!



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