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Info on How To Email Members of the French Group

From: Lisa E.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 5, 2010, 10:32 AM



Occasionally I receive an email from someone to forward to the group pertaining to something French – if they are not a member I need to forward this for them, however, if you are a member here’s how to do it directly yourself:


Go to

Log into your Meetup account

Go to the group home page (in this case French in Fort Collins) that you want to send the email to

In the left hand column are links to Email Members, Message Board or Mailing List (depending on how the organizer of the group has set it up)– all 3 of these are avenues for you to communicate directly with one another without the organizer having to be the go between.  This is especially helpful because then any Replies will go directly to your Inbox instead of mine.


I’m still learning how to use Meetup myself so no worries but if you would file this for future reference that would help me out immensely.





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