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Freebie Friday: Your Time to Shine

From: Matt J.
Sent on: Friday, September 25, 2015, 5:26 AM

Someone asked me the other day, why do
I give so many resources away every Friday

There are a couple of reasons....

Firstly, I just like to give back when I can. I believe
in having an abundant mindset where sharing
valuable information can change people's lives.

Secondly, I know that giving, in whatever form, 
needs to be a part of your wealth creation strategy.

I dont mean giving just so you get something back,
I mean giving unconditionally and doing it magnanimously.

Jennie Brown taught me to do this years ago and it
has had a profound effect on my life and I am always
inspired by the way she continues to do it.

So this Freebie Friday is about GIVING YOU the
opportunity to GIVE BACK.... if you feel so inclined.

And here's the perfect opportunity:
Click Here to support the Ping Pong a Thon

It's an amazing event being held on the Sunny
Coast raising money for an incredible charity 
that desperately needs some support.

Click the link above and you'll be inspired
to see how this simple event is saving lives.

Have an outstanding weekend and if you can't
give to this charity, just start with a random act
of kindness.

We have a lot to be grateful for :)


PS. Here's the link again to get involved:


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