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New Meetup: Acoustic Meetup in Westchester - The Rockland Invasion

From: Jeff
Sent on: Friday, May 15, 2009, 4:15 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Good Vibrations-Rockland Acoustic Guitar Group!

What: Acoustic Meetup in Westchester - The Rockland Invasion

When: May 29,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $5.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: This acoustic meetup is a first time cross post with the Westchester Acoustic Guitar group run by Chris, who is also a member of our group. With our group now at over 180 members, many are getting closed out of our acoustic meetups that max out at 20. The Westchester group being relatively new has had low attendance similar to what we went through as a new group. My feeling is I'd like to generate interest in the Westchester group and see it thrive so everyone has more options to get out and play. The Rye Arts Center is only about 1/2 hr from Rockland. For those heading down we can meet and car pool if anyone wants. The theme is open. Post music on the site and or bring copies. Below is Chris's bio on the meetup: Westchester Acoustic Meetup Invasion

Date: Friday May 29th, 7pm

Location: ?Rye Arts Center?, 51 Milton Road, Rye NY 10580

The Westchester Acoustic Guitar Group is having a Meetup in a performance space/school that has an excellent music room with great acoustics. The room is large so there is no restriction on turnout ? the more the merrier! They have plenty of chairs but please bring a music stand and copies of any songs you?d like the group to play.

There is no theme but expect group playing and jamming as well as individual solo fingerstyle pieces.

There is a piano there!

Learn more here:

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