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Tonight and a FREE drink at Starbucks

From: Member ID: # 2.
Sent on: Thursday, July 12, 2012, 1:53 PM

Hope you're havin a great day.


Tonight, Some of us will be at the McDonalds in Fruita from 6:00 to 6:25. Then we'll head to the park. If you want to find us at the concert we'll be front right when facing the stage (or as close as we can be) If any of you go earlier than 6:30, please set up there. You may want to meet at the McDonalds and car pool in.


Starbucks is doing a big promotion of their new drinks line. Get a free drink from 12 (noon) to 3:00 pm. Tomorrow-Fri the 13th. Here's the details and coupon.


See you tonight





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