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Summer fun and frolicks.....

From: Daniel J.
Sent on: Sunday, July 4, 2010, 6:39 AM
Hi guys and gals

Just a quick note to say, firstly thanks for joining our group. We already have 100 members awesome!!

The HOFNAR summer party is next weekend. I really hope to see as many of you as possible. I reckon with the 'meetup' members and the facebook members there will be 150 people!!...We shall see.

It's going to be a really chilled out thing on a boat near Vauxhall (it doesn't go anywhere). I'll be there from 3pm, but there's no rush, the boat doesn't close until 2!!

So if you can make it, come on down and say hi, the more the merrier.

That's it, see you on the boat

